Freelance Expert Interview

- Talent, leadership and organizational development
- 15-year experience
- 1 years a a freelancer
- US / Germany
Could you explain us your background & where you coming from ?
Originally from the US, I’ve lived and worked in the DACH region as a talent, leadership and organizational development professional in the healthcare industry for 15 years. I currently live an hour south of Munich with my husband and two small children.
Could you please let us know more about your expertise, your day-to-day activity as a freelancer in this expertise ?
Through 15 years of experience in talent, leadership and organizational development and ICF accredited professional coaching certification I offer executive coaching, group and team coaching to private and corporate clients who want to maximize their individual and team potential whilst navigating personal and business changes. In addition to transformational coaching journeys based on the CTI model I offer a 6 week mental fitness training for groups and individuals that delivers immediate results – improving resilience, self command and quieting the voice of the inner critic. I also deliver short term project work on talent and leadership development to rebuild talent and LD processes and programs in complete sync with business strategy.
Why did you decide to become a freelancer ?
Out of gratitude for years of experience with great leaders and coaches I have chosen to pay it forward and offer the same transformational coaching and services for women and parent leaders in the Pharma industry to experience more impact and wellbeing in their work and lives. I believe life isn’t a trade-off and this is possible. We just need to unlock the courage and creativity to go for it.
What are the pros & cons being a freelancer ?
Pros: freedom to choose business partners and clients with exactly the needs where I can bring impact and value, who share similar beliefs and aspirations. Diversity of projects to satisfy my curiosity
Cons: the administrative duties, taking a leap of courage with every business development conversation- but this last part gets more fun as time passes!
What would you say to someone hesitating becoming a healthcare industry freelancer ?
Talk with fellow freelancers 3 years in to get a feel of what daily life is like after the business is built up. Ask what their biggest learnings and rewards have been.
Consider if it is in line with your values, strengths and passions. Quiet the voice of your inner Critic whilst doing this.
Once you make the commitment, give it time. Find your tribe of clients and colleagues. See challenges as learning opportunities.
What is your feeling around healthcare Clients openness to freelancers ?
I’m excited. The pace of change in the healthcare industry is increasing 10x. Through mergers, digital transformation and other dynamics in the industry, agility and project oriented work increases in importance. This is a huge opportunity for freelancers to jump in and deliver value and they will be more open and interested in work with freelancers.
What do you think about initiative like ?
It’s addressing the need for an agile workforce to build a community like this. It’s important to have camaraderie and sense of community amongst freelancers and learn from each other.
Did you already work with ? If yes, could you please tell us more about your experience ?
I haven’t worked with them before I joined them this year.
How do you see freelancing in healthcare industry in the near future ?
The pace of change in the healthcare industry is increasing 10x. Through mergers, digital transformation and other dynamics in the industry, agility and project oriented work increases in importance. This is a huge opportunity for freelancers to jump in and deliver value and they will be more open and interested in work with freelancers.
- Any other points you want to share with the healthcare industry community ?
I believe there is a huge demand in this world right now for conscious, empathic, courageous leadership.
I believe there is a space between impact and wellbeing – I will meet you there.
When you really want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. – Paulo Coelho